Tisbury School Bus Routes and Maps

Provider is Go Bus.


TSP advises

AM: Starts at cnr of Blyth St/Bluff Rd (SH1), head south along SH1 to Motu Rimu Rd, turn left into Motu Rimu Rd to Tiwai Rd, turn right into Tiwai Rd to Awarua School Rd, turns at this junction and returns via Tiwai to Motu Rimu Rds , turn right into Motu Rimu Rd, remains on Motu Rimu Rd, turn right into Welsh Rd, left into Long  Bush Sth Rd, travel north to Gorge Rd Invercargill Highway (Southern Scenic Route) into Invercargill, to Tisbury School (offload prim) continue onto Rockdale Rd, left into Onslow to Verdon College transfer hub for transfers - continues to JHSC 

PM: Starts at Tisbury School (does the reverse twice - once for primary and then travels to transfer hub picks up all secondary and then heads out to do this again for secondary only)

Morning Route

Afternoon Route


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The Reading Room Baxter & Neilson Plumbers Montessori Invercargill Decom Electrical Shaw Building Uniform NZ The Proud Pet Store Wilson Contracting Amble On Inn Holiday Park Robin Greer - PGG Wrightson

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