Information for parents

The information on this page provides most of the important information needed for parents/whānau. However, if you have questions which are not covered on this page, please talk to your child's teacher or myself - we are only too willing to help you.

Andrea Joyce

2024 School Information Booklet


Tisbury School Bus Route

TSP advises
AM: Starts at cnr of Blyth St/Bluff Rd (SH1), head south along SH1 to Motu Rimu Rd, turn left into Motu Rimu Rd to Tiwai Rd,

turn right into Tiwai Rd to Awarua School Rd, turns at this juction and returns via Tiwai to Motu Rimu Rds , turn right into Motu Rimu Rd, remains on Motu Rimu Rd, turn right into Welsh Rd, left into Long  Bush Sth Rd, travel north to Gorge Rd Invercargill Highway (Southern Scenic Route) into Invercargill, to Tisbury School (offload prim) continue onto Rockdale Rd, left into Onslow to Verdon College transfer hub for transfers - continues to JHSC

PM: Starts at Tisbury School (does the reverse twice - once for primary and then travels to transfer hub picks up all secondary and then heads out to do this again for secondary only)




Tisbury School has a compulsory school uniform. It is essential that all items are named. You can get them named through the Uniform Shop.

All items can be purchased through: UniformNZ​
142 Otepuni Avenue (near Racecourse Road end) Invercargill
Ph: 03 2189152

Online: Tisbury Uniform



Positive Behaviour For Learning (PB4L)

PB4L is a school process for teaching social and behavioural skills so that the focus can be on teaching and learning.
In essence, PB4L is a framework, or an approach, that:

  • Teaches behaviour as we do academics.
  • Provides a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies for achieving the important social and learning outcomes, while preventing problem behaviours with students.
  • Is a compilation of research-validated and effective practices, interventions, and “system change” strategies that:                                                        *Improves the social behavioural climate of schools.
    *Increases proactive/positive/preventive management while decreasing reactive management.
    *Improves support for students, including at risk and students with emotional behavioural difficulties.
    *Acknowledges the 80% of students who “always do the right thing at the right time”!


Bulling - A Guide for Parents


Severe Behaviour

Under the Education Amendment Act new guidelines on the use of physical restraint (for Registered Schools in NZ: Published August 2017) have come into being. As a result, Tisbury school's Severe Behaviour Guidelines have been updated align with the guidelines - Documents include:

Using Physical Restraint     Tisbury Behaviour Management


Helping Your Child's Learning

The Ministry of Education has produced the following brochures that will provide parents with ideas of how they can support their child's learning over time.

After 1 year at school

After 2 years at school

After 3 years at school

By the end of Year 4

By the end of Year 5

By the end of Year 6

By the end of Year 7

By the end of Year 8



Other Useful Documents

Chris Cole's information sheet of places and people who can help support children's learning

Supporting Children's Learning



Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

The Reading Room Baxter & Neilson Plumbers Montessori Invercargill Decom Electrical Shaw Building Uniform NZ The Proud Pet Store Wilson Contracting Amble On Inn Holiday Park Robin Greer - PGG Wrightson

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